The Institut für Baubiologie Rosenheim GmbH (IBR) was founded in 1978 with the objective to enrich residential environments with ideals from human ecology and to develop and promote ecologically compatible practices among planners, architects and building contractors.
All of today’s activities focus on awarding the IBR Seal of Approval. It was designed to protect consumers against health hazards caused by the environment we live in. The Seal of Approval is awarded to products and production methods which meet the requirements of healthy living and environmental protection from a holistic perspective. The Seal of Approval has been awarded by the IBR for more than 20 years. The idea to test as many products as possible with respect to their impact on health by involving criteria related to building biology and environmental matters, to enable consumers to make the right decisions and to single out compatible products has made the IBR a protagonist and pioneer for other test labels which followed in its wake. Meanwhile, more than 300 products made in Germany and abroad bear the IBR Seal of Approval.