Today, there is a vast choice of paints and varnishes. But what to do when you find yourself standing in front of 20 yards of paint shelves in a shop? Paints should look great. This is ensured mainly by the pigments they contain. Additives are then used to add particular properties to paints and varnishes: they can become water-repellent or water-tight, prevent mould and vermin infestation, become heat-resistant, and many more. Depending on the additives and solvents they contain and which evaporate in the drying process, these products may emit certain substances – in some cases for a long time following the first drying period – to the indoor air.
For this reason, pay attention to the additives when buying such products and choose the desired properties of the paints depending on where they will be used. Provide sufficient ventilation during the drying period, whose length is often underestimated. And make sure to select paints and varnishes which are safe with respect to building biology.