What does building biology mean?
Building Biology is an umbrella term for the comprehensive theory of the relationship between the human beings and their constructed environment, but also for the environmentally compatible and contaminant-free design of buildings by making use of the relevant findings and techniques.
The objective of healthy building and living should be achieved by the holistic consideration of physiological, psychological, architectural and physical/technical interrelations and the interaction between the building, its users (residents) and its environment. Principles from building biology are applied not only for building private homes, but also in the construction of school buildings, hospitals and nurseries.
History | The physician Hubert Palm, who became known through his lectures in the 1960s, is regarded as the founder of building biology in Germany, a predecessor of ecological building. His book “Das gesunde Haus” (The Healthy House) is a fundamental reference work on building biology. Pioneering projects and the first architectural circles with an orientation on building biology developed at the beginning of the 1970s, especially in the southern part of Germany; these included the Institut für Baubiologie in Rosenheim and the Bund für Architektur & Baubiologie (BAB), which was the predecessor of the Bund Architektur & Umwelt (B.A.U.) in Germany.
Practical Work | Measurement engineers specialised in building biology conduct studies on factors proved to be harmful, such as contaminants and moulds, but frequently, they also measure physical parameters, such as electric and magnetic alternating fields and electromagnetic waves, electrical pollution or noise. Especially people who suffer from electromagnetic hypersensitivity, multiple chemical intolerance or other health problems caused by environmental factors, usually call on their services.
In fact, it goes without saying: As human beings, we want a living situation which has an exclusively positive impact on our well-being. A healthy, non-toxic environment where we can recover from everyday rush and stress and where our children can grow up healthily. Building biology examines the vast spectrum of influences on the health and well-being of humans. Here, the knowledge about these influences is collected in order to adjust building materials and construction techniques to the findings.
The IBR, Institut für Baubiologie, in Rosenheim tests and – by awarding its Seal of Approval – identifies materials you can rely on. In addition, it gives you advice on all issues of healthy living (building biology).